
July 22 - August 16, 2024


Course Instructor Syllabus

Algebraic Geometry

Hirotachi Abo

University of Idaho

Complex Analysis

Chiara de Fabritiis

Università Politecnica delle Marche

Computer Graphics and Applications

weeks I, II


weeks III, IV


Claudio Mancinelli 

Università di Genova

Enrico Puppo

Università di Genova

Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics and Applications

weeks I


weeks II, III, IV


Andrea Tosin

Politecnico di Torino

Luigi Preziosi

Politecnico di Torino

Differential Geometry

Paolo Piccione

Universidade de São Paulo

Functional Analysis

Enrico Valdinoci

The University of Western Australia


Each participant is required to attend two modules and the afternoon seminars. 



The registration tax is 100 Euros. You will be lodged at one of the University residences. The School offers, free of charge, a fixed menu for 10 dinners, subject to regular course attendance, in the following evenings:

- from Sunday 21 July to Friday 26 July included

- from Sunday 28 July to Wednesday 31 July included



Applications can be submitted exclusively online, on the following form. 

Applications start: APRIL, 22 2024
Deadline for applications is JUNE, 26 2024.

A selection committee will meet shortly afterwards and all accepted applicants will be notified of the result in due time.

Applications should contain a BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE and a DETAILED CURRICULUM STUDIORUM. The exact e-mail address to which all correspondence concerning the Summer courses has to be mailed should be clearly stated.


Selected people will be informed by e-mail and they will receive all the instructions in order to complete the payment and confirm their participation.

For informations concerning the organization of the courses, please contact:


How to complete your enrollment